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Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services

“Housing is a human right. There can be no fairness or justice in a society in which some live in homelessness, or in the shadow of that risk, while others can not even imagine it.” — Jordan Flaherty

Supported Living

The Supported Living program provides a wide range of services to individuals living in the community. Sometimes Supported Living consumers live with family members, and, therefore, providing supports and working with families is an additional critical component of this program. For people who are homeless SLP can provide more intensive outreach services as needed.

An individualized treatment plan is created for each person in the supported living program, based on his or her personal needs and goals. Services are provided in a variety of settings, including the Cornerstone Montgomery offices, consumer homes, or out in the community – coffee shops, schools, libraries, etc. depending on the person’s needs and preferences.


  • Must be a Montgomery County resident
  • Must have Medicaid
  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Must be currently in treatment with a therapist or psychiatrist
  • Must have a target diagnosis

Services Include:

  • Daily Living Skills Coaching – Supported Living staff provide partnership, direction and skills training such as cleaning, grooming, cooking and budgeting.
  • Resource Development – Supported Living staff work with consumers to explore and obtain a variety of resources within the community including transportation, peer support groups, tax preparation services, etc.
  • Supportive Counseling – Staff work closely with consumers to teach coping, communication, and assertiveness skills to help them maneuver in their daily lives. Staff are also available to provide supportive counseling to consumers experiencing increased symptoms of their mental illness.
  • Medication monitoring – staff is available to do medication monitoring with consumers, in accordance with their Individualized Rehabilitation Plans in their homes, at our offices, or out in the community. Some individuals check in with staff via phone when they take their medications. Staff are also available to partner with consumers to pack their medication trays on a weekly basis, and make sure they obtain refills in a timely manner.
  • Psychosocial Programming – Classes and groups through Cornerstone Montgomery’s Day Programs as well as activities out in the community for people who might be interested in socializing with people closer to where they live or work.
  • Service Coordination – between Day Programs, Back to Work Program, Clinic and other outside providers

Permanent Supportive Housing

Cornerstone Montgomery’s Permanent Supportive Housing program has 20 beds in one bedroom condos and 3 bedroom townhouses. The program open to individuals coming out of Residential Rehab programs (RRP) only – clients referred from external RRP programs are encouraged to apply. Clients must have MA and be willing to engage in Supported Living services in order to be eligible for the program. It is permanent housing, so individuals may stay in the housing as long as they want. Tenants sign a lease and pay rent which is approximately 38% of their income.

We aim to have a true separation between the property manager and the support services. The facilities department handles all property management concerns and the various supported living teams provide support services. Which supported living team a tenant works with will depend on the location of the unit. Units are spread out within Bethesda, Rockville, Silver Spring and Olney.

If you have questions or would like to apply for the Permanent Supportive Housing program please contact us at


Montgomery County Case Management (MCCM) program provides short-term case management services to Montgomery County residents with a mental health and/or co-occurring disorder. MCCM helps clients apply for benefits/entitlements, health insurance and get linked to resources within and apart from the public mental health system to help clients meet basic needs and/or get longer term supports such as Residential Rehabilitation, Supported Living or clinic. Insurance is not required to obtain services from MCCM and clients can self-refer.​


  • Have a permanent or a reasonably fixed address
  • Have a willingness to work collaboratively on goals
  • Have a mental illness
  • Be 18 or older
  • Be a resident of Montgomery County
  • Not have Medical Assistance (Medicaid; MA)​​

If you have question or are interested in applying for the MCCM program, please contact

Housing Facilitation (HF)

This is a service that is provided to Housing Unlimited Inc. (HUI) tenants. Housing Unlimited is an organization that provides affordable, independent housing for adults in mental health recovery in Montgomery County. HF handles interpersonal and household issues, such as conflicts, chore division and adherence to the HUI policies. These issues are addressed through having house meetings as requested by the tenants or sometimes HUI enforces meeting mandatory.

Housing Coordinator (HC)

Another service available to HUI residents. The HC works with HUI tenants on an individual level and directs them to their existing supports/clinicians. If the tenant does not have supports, the HC works with the tenant to connect and link them to clinic services, PRP services or other resources in the community.

Apply for Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services

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