Introducing Cornerstone Southern Maryland! Now serving Calvert, Charles and St. Mary's Counties. Learn More


We believe everyone who wants to work CAN work. We help our clients find, get and keep jobs. Our job coaches help each client maintain a strong work and mental health balance.

When someone signs up for services within the Vocational Department, they can expect:

  • One-on-one coaching with a Supported Employment Specialist to help determine skills, interests, and long term career goals
  • Help with creating a step-by-step plan to achieve employment-related goals
  • Help with developing resumes, writing the perfect cover letter, and filling out online applications
  • Support with community-based job search activities, such as going into business and speaking to a hiring manager, completing practice interviews with prominent members of the business community, or participating in ‘job try-outs’ to get a feel for a specific job or industry
  • Benefits counseling to learn how work will impact publicly funded entitlements such as Social Security Benefits
  • On-site job coaching at the new position
  • Long-term support for keeping the job

We follow a model of Supported Employment called “Evidenced Based Practice” based on the following principles:

  1. Everyone can work- no one’s history excludes them from participating.
  2. Mental health treatment and supported employment services are integrated together.
  3. Competitive jobs (aka jobs anyone can apply for, not jobs ‘just’ for people with mental illness) are the goal.
  4. Job search begins right away.
  5. Our Employment Specialists network within the business community to find job leads for our clients.
  6. Supports are ongoing and time-unlimited.
  7. Client preferences are respected during every step in the process.
  8. Job supports are individualized and continue for as long as the client wants and needs the support.


  • Must have Medicaid or qualify for an “Uninsured Span” if seeking employment only services; and be eligible for the Public Behavioral health system.
  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Must be currently in treatment with a therapist or psychiatrist
  • For our “Employment Focus Clusters” employment must be the primary goal, consumers can have other goals, but the must be limited in need
  • Must have a target diagnosis

If you (or someone you know) want Work to be the cornerstone of recovery, please join us in making that a reality!

To apply for our Vocational Services please complete the Universal Program Application:

English Spanish

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